Title: The Closet
Genre: Horror
Audience: Adult
Page Count: 104
Author: James Tynion IV
Artist: Gavin Fullerton
ISBN: 978-1534323254
Publisher: Image Comics
Series: The Closet
This review contains spoilers.
While walking through Barnes & Noble I came across this book as was intrigued by the cover. I flipped through and saw the artwork was intriguing. In reading the back I was surprised to see it was written by the Eisner Award winning author of Something Is Killing The Children, City of Owls, and The Nice House On The Lake. I enjoyed all of those books so I grabbed this one.
The eerie atmosphere is immediate and tension is built right away. Thom's cross-country move with his family sets the stage. As Thom's son, Jamie, grapples with terrifying encounters in the closet, his parents write it off as just a child's imagination. As you may guess, it's not. But his parents tell Jamie that once they move, he won't have to be afraid of the closet anymore.
The thing that drew me the most to this book was the monster. Very well drawn, not overly done design, and you feel the fear that Jamie has for it. The tension consistently builds as you get a sense for Jamie's home life and his parent's strained relationship. But as the move happens, Jamies see that not only the monster is following him, but the closet is as well.
The big reveal at the end of this book is that all Jamie's fear can be traced back to when his dad was in Jamie's closet to look at photos of the woman he was having an affair with. His son sees him and thinks he's a monster. That was the day that Jamie's mom found out about the affair. All of that makes sense, but Jamie is still seeing this monster and it's very real as it physically chokes him.
And that's it. That's all that happens. This story built up to nothing. I understand it's part of a series, but this is a full volume where the only thing that happens is the dad talks to a lot of strangers and his kid suffers daily. I expected more from an author of Tynion's abilities.
The Closet Book Review Ratings and Recommendation
Rating: 2/5
Recommended: No
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